Friday, December 21, 2007


I can't believe it is only 5 days until Christmas! It is a good thing we have had so much to do to keep the kids busy. Here are a few of the highlights from our week so far:

We sang at a nursing home with our homeschool group before our party. The kids had a lot of fun. After we sang we went to one of our friends houses and we ate some goodies and they all exchanged gifts that they had made. Of course after that they ran around outside and climbed trees!

And here is another shot of our ballerina dancing to the nutcracker. We have watched this movie so many times this year and everytime she puts on her outfit and dances!

Here are the girls working on some of their Christmas gifts.

Here is a beautiful view we get to see of the mountains at Flagstaff after they got some snow.

Here are the girls working on their buckeye balls we like to make every year. It is such a blessing to spend time with them in the kitchen!

We also visited the Largest Gingerbread Village at the Prescott resort. Our homeschool group made a house and entered it. It is amazing to see what some of the houses looked like!

Here are the girls by the house we made with our group.

Well after tomorrow I think it will slow down a bit and we can enjoy each other. I have been reading the chronicles of narnia to the older ones every night before their bible story and they are enjoying it!

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