Sunday, November 2, 2008

Some pictures

These are a few pictures from this week. The first is from one of the prescribed burns in our forest area. The views are begining to seem normal after a year. Kind of interesting.
The rest of the pictures are fomr the adult day care center. One of the homeschool groups we belong to goes to the adult day care center in the area once a month to do a sort of talent show. The kids just perform or show anything they want to. It helps the kids learn to speak in public and the adults love it! Last monthe Zack showed some of his drawings and Avery sang her ABC's. Kaylee chose not to do anything. This month Kaylee decided read some halloween jokes out of a library book and Avery did a ballet dance. Zack wasn't there as he was at the doctor for his knee. I was so proud of Kaylee as she wasn't even nervous! I just turned on Avery's favorite Nutcracker music and away she went! It was so cute! It was a great day.

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