Saturday, November 22, 2008

A busy week

The last couple days of this week have been quite busy! On Thursday the kids and I went with some friends down to the park at Anthem. The kids love to go here as they have a huge play structure, sprinklers, ducks to feed, a rollar rink and a skate park. They really enjoyed the sprinklers this time since it was so warm! It is so nice to go during the day of course when all the other kids are in school.
After a fun day at the park we had a party that night for a Jessie Tree ornament swap. This will be our first year doing the Jessie tree and kids are so excited. It starts on December first and goes to Christmas. Every day there is a bible story and an ornament that goes with it. We had a group of 25 ladies each made 25 of the same ornament and then we go swap so everyone has all of them. It was so cute to see how creative all the ladies were. The kids had a great time as well playing outside in the dark on their property. They had a big bonfire and played hide and seek.
On Friday we had to go back to base to get my new ID that expired. We also took some things down to the thrift store. While we were there we bought a game of twister for 50 cents. The kids have had a lot of fun with it! We decided to surprise the kids with a trip to Build a Bear with some gft cards we found. They were so excited since it has been so long since we have been to one. Zack picked a coyote, Kaylee a koala bear and Avery dog. We headed home and stopped in Antem to eat a pretzel. It was a lot of fun!
Tonight we set up our tree. It is so early but the kids get so excited for the Christmas season we decided to do it this weekend. We usually do it Thanksgiving night. I will post pictures of that tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be another quite day. Just church and then home. AWANAS is a short night and most things are cancelled this week so it should be quite. We will be doing a lot of crafts and fun things this week!

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