Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Craft time

We have been busy this past couple of days getting our school work done and doing some crafts. The kids and I made indian headbands and tomorrow we will make pilgram ones. Today we went to the library for craft time with Miss Joyce. They made cornhusk dolls, pinecone turkeys and turkey ring toss. Zack was at his friend's house so it was just the girls and I. We had fun until Kaylee got upset because her turkeys legs wouldn't stay on. They turned out really cute and will be our centerpiece on Thanksgiving. On another note I thought I was seeing things when gas went under $2.00! It is so nice to be able to fill up my tank for under $40.00 again. We also seem to have a jack-o-lantern in our house. Kaylee keeps losing her teeth and they never grow back in. She now has 3 holes awaiting new teeth!


Trisha said...

Holly cow Kaylee! You will need to eat out of a straw soon! I hope you grow those teeth in soon.

Gram said...

Hi Jelly Bean- You look sooooooooooo
cute when you smile!!!
What is on your Christmas list?

I love you!
