Tuesday, January 15, 2008

It's a Boy! It's a Girl!

Well the kids have been begging and Gram said yes. We now have two new little creatures in our house. Zack got a male guinea pig and Kaylee got a female hamster. Tiger and Lola are their names. They kids were so excited and even payed their own money for some of the necessities. Lola loves to run in her little wheel so much every night we have to move her into another room so the kids can sleep. It is so funny to watch! Zack's guinea pig is so calm he just holds it in his lap all the time. I can't wait to see how the kids do with the responsibility of taking care of them. I have told them they will be doing all the work. Avery was a little sad that she didn't get anything but the older kids have been really good at sharing.

Tomorrow we have a field trip to Phoenix to go to the science center. It should be a lot of fun and we have never been. We are also taking gram to hole in the rock. We are rapping up our unit study on Ben Franklin this week and will be doing our electricity experiment on Friday. The kids are so excited. I actually learned a lot about him that I didn't remember. That is why I love homeschooling so much. I get to learn everyday too!

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