Well a fire truck had to come to our house this morning. No there was no fire. There was a snake in our garage that wouldn't come out. I wasn't sure what kind it was so we had to call the fire department. Keith is not to fond of snakes so I knew he would not dig it out. They came pretty quickly and went right to work. They said it was a bull snake which is actually good because it keeps rattlers away. It was probably 3 feet long and was just a baby. Zack of course wanted to keep it!
The heros!
The girls watching from a safe place. (where Keith was originally)
The firemen going to work
Here he is!
It was a pretty snake.
So that was our science lesson for the day!
Yesterday the girls wanted to do an art project with the big paper. I decided to trace them out and then they painted them. They had a great time and Avery loved seeing how big she was!
Avery looking so big
Avery really took her time on her painting.
Kaylee made lots of dots on hers.
On Tuesday we went to Pheonix with some of our friends to a little water park. It was nice since it wasn't crowded and there was plenty to do. It was also over 100 that day!
Avery enjoyed the waterfall but she had to keep pulling her pants up.
Kaylee liked the slide since it was nice and slow!
The highlite of Zack's day was going off the high dive. He has always been a little scared but he braved it and had a blast!
Here he is going off!
Last night we got to do a special thing. One of Keith's cadets works at the movie theatre. We got to go to our own viewing of Kung Fu Panda before it even came out! The kids were so excited. We didn't go until 11 but it was so much fun. We even got to go upstairs and see how the run the movie through the projector. I couldn't believe that Avery made it through the whole movie. It was almost one. She was asleep in about 5 seconds when we got to the car.
It has been another busy week at our house and we have had a lot of fun!