Happy New Year! I can't believe that 2007 is over. It seems it went by in a flash. I have truly enjoyed every minute. I really try to find joy everyday and that isn't hard to do with my kids. They keep me laughing. Here are some highlites from our year:
Kaylee learned to read!
We made some great new friends in our homeschool group.
Kaylee turned six.
Zack played his first year of flag football and loved it.
Kaylee played her second season of soccer and did great.
Avery turned three.
Zack turned nine.
We went to Branson three times and enjoyed being at the parks all day.
Kaylee bridged up to Brownies in girl scouts.
Kaylee went to her first sleepover.
We helped clean up the nature center with our Roots and Shoots group.
Keith graduated from college!
Kaylee rode her first roller coaster and didn't like it.
Zack was baptised!
Went to our first water park.
Zack caught a bird.
The kids all rode a horse twice.
We watched a butterfly hatch from a cocoon. (Thanks to grandpa Bruce.)
Avery took gymnastics.
We watched the Blue Angels fly right over our house.
Avery got very sick and ended up in the hospital for a few days.
We visited friends in Texas.
We went on a trip to San Antonio and had a blast!
Saw the Alamo.
Fed a zebra and othe animals at the wildlife safari.
Went to Sea World.
Keith and I went to the Air Force Ball.
Said good-bye to all our friends.
Went to the balloon fest in Albuquerque.
Saw the mountains.
Traveled through six states to move to Arizona!
Lived in a hotel for almost 2 weeks.
Zack carved his own pumpkin.
Avery had her first trip to the dentist.
Cooked my first Thanksgiving turkey.
Spent our first holidays on our own.
We touched a stingray.
Saw it snow in Arizona.
Made some new friends.
Got a new van.
As you can see we have had an awesome year! I love my family and look forward to the coming year and all the blessings that the Lord has in store for us! Happy New Year!